Our Associates
Mr. R. Sekhar, B.Com., FCA, ACS
Is associated with the firm for over two decades. Prior to being associated with the firm he was in industry dealing with matters pertaining to direct and indirect taxes and corporate compliance functions. His last employment prior to coming into practice was with Pioneer ITI AMC Limited (AMC for Pioneer ITI Mutual Fund, the first largest private sector Mutual Fund) as its Chief Compliance Officer. He has authored several books and articles on Company Law, Direct and Indirect Taxes. He is one of the contributors of "A Ramaiya - Guide to Companies Act", a popular and widely preferred commentary on Companies Act.
Mr. J Prabhakar, BCom, FCA
Is associated with the firm since 1988. He is known for his authority in Direct Tax Laws and representations before Income Tax Tribunals. He is also a partner in Jagadisan & Co., a leading Chartered Accountant firm in Chennai, known for handling Settlement Commission and Income Tax Survey Cases. He is also a noted speaker and chairperson on Taxations at various seminars conducted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.